‘There is that world out there.
Allah SWT has sent us to this world only to see which of us is worth being in heaven, isn’t it? Life is supposed to be full of these surprises. Some of which we don't want, some of which we long for. Some of which are just fleeting moments.
There is no difficulty for a person who has complete trust on Him, The Supreme. Because whichever trouble he is in won't be able to affect his mind, as he is determined to trust in the One. No worries, no tensions and Bingo! Allah is happy with you. Problem solved. Well and then that gives the way for the next test. Being tested is a sign of LIFE. And EVERY trial only makes us a better person by all means. Every trial should only help us to rely on The Almighty MORE. THAT’s when we have overcome our test with an A grade. :D
That is exactly what life is about. Allah SWT gives us the test, checks if we ask His help in overcoming it, and then helps us overcome it. Sounds easy? It IS easy, SubhanAllah. All thanks and praises be to Allah.
That is ready to test me. Neglect me. Taunt me. Push me and Press me. Scorn at me. Sneer at me. Hit me and cease me.’
Clear is the cruel world I see outside my window. Crystal clear.
For two minutes I glared at the sky thinking this ‘immoral’ thought.
Two minutes and then…
A little bird landed on my window sill. It came for the rice grains I dropped a day ago for them that always land at my beautiful window. They will always look for a time when no one’s there. A little activity and they are gone. Frightened, they fly away. But this time, this bird came to me with no fear. I was right there! But it finally sensed the compassion and love I had for it and all of the others. It saw the goodness in me. It knew I cared for it with all my heart. It didn’t fear me anymore. And it looked beautiful.
‘THAT’S IT!’ My mind talked to me. ‘The world may be huge to me, cruel or not. But little does it see the world inside my head!’ Delighted, I quickly realized- It’s not the world, it’s me!! How I perceive what comes to me. As much of love and trust in Allah I have, that much easier and simpler it would be for me to face the trails of this world. Because HE is with me. HE is in my mind, soul and spirit.
We all know that as we grow up, life just gets more and more complicated. We have the perfect moments, the sad moments and moments that never happen yet we want them to.
But on the whole, the most important thing I see and feel really bad is that we don't know how to sense these times in the way it has to be.
Allah SWT has sent us to this world only to see which of us is worth being in heaven, isn’t it? Life is supposed to be full of these surprises. Some of which we don't want, some of which we long for. Some of which are just fleeting moments.
There is no difficulty for a person who has complete trust on Him, The Supreme. Because whichever trouble he is in won't be able to affect his mind, as he is determined to trust in the One. No worries, no tensions and Bingo! Allah is happy with you. Problem solved. Well and then that gives the way for the next test. Being tested is a sign of LIFE. And EVERY trial only makes us a better person by all means. Every trial should only help us to rely on The Almighty MORE. THAT’s when we have overcome our test with an A grade. :D

That little bird knew I wouldn’t harm it unless Allah SWT willed. It was my turn now. To trust Him.
Now I look outside my window and see three little kids playing, a seemingly 60yr old couple holding hands crossing the street, a little girl happily devouring her ice cream, two birds flying in circles and a heart shaped cloud(seriously!).
To the world, the little bird in me looks up with faith in my heart. Life and the view looks Beautiful.
Sometimes one moment is enough to light up the whole sky. :)
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