Wednesday, March 14, 2012

That Perpetual Presence.

Was sitting by myself near the UIA Teh Tarik river, and was observing. Simply staring at the life moving ahead of me. People walked by. Birds flew by and tweeted. Some leaves shed. Things kept changing. Point is, I was watching them all. But no one knew. Realization then strikes. My mind reminds itself of the beautiful words of Allah SWT- 'And He knows whatever there is in (or on) the earth and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knows it. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Clear Record.' [An'am 59] We are being watched. Every minute, every moment. There is that presence. Each word of mine is recorded and each thought is noted. Constantly and untiringly. Each detail unmissed. No matter if it seems like the world's burden is on our shoulders, or all the happiness of the world is ours, that presence is still there. Silently observing. We are being watched.

Live each moment in the presence of our Lord, Al Baseer.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

~ In the place where i live...

In the place where I Live,
Birds fly with me along my way
Children come to me, together we play
In the place where I live
Fickle Rains come and go,
Clouds orange, white and pink, they glow!
The sky is blue, very blue
The earth is green, fresh and new
Waters sparkle, Rivers flow
Rainbows appear when you never know
In the place where I live,
Golden sunlight lights up my room
Morning flowers in beautiful bloom
The sky is pink
During dusk and dawn
To butterflies you can wink,
Birds sing a song.
In the place where I live,
There is so much Happiness to give.
Its just Beautiful to be
You just have to come and see.
But the place where I live,
Is in no way like Heaven, you know
Just makes me ponder
How would be, in Heaven, a home?


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Words from a Happy person today :)

I walk. I feel like I'm flying with the birds. I feel the breeze over my face. I see. But I am lost in the beauty of my Creator's creation. 'It's beautiful' is an understatement. I hear. But I am not listening. I look at the world in front of me. I wonder. If such was beauty defined, then my weak humanly imagination could never in the deepest corner of my mind be able to comprehend the beauty He has in store for me in the hereafter, if I'd be rewarded it. And then my mind wonders more. If I cannot grasp the 'unseen' which has been described to me, how about that which isn't? I then think more. What about Him? If His creation was unthinkably unspeakably unimaginably so not comprehendible, then what about the Creator Himself? I feel happy coz I feel such. It's a sweet feeling one must have once in a while. It's a blessing to feel so. An incredibly awesome blessing.

All because I finally touched my forehead on the ground today. Not like yesterday. Not like the last time. This time it was different. And it was the sweetest feeling ever. I didn't want to get up from the closeness I felt to Him.

I want to see His beauty. And stare at Him with all my heart's content on THAT day and those days after it. I WANT it real bad. And such I want for all of us together. Do you? Lets bow down tonight in gratitude to Him, asking forgiveness to the Greatest coz we are more weak than we ever knew. And let's feel that pleasure together. The pleasure in knowing there is someone who is there for us, always, waiting, in the middle of the night, while we are asleep, simply because He loves us. And He promised us to give us whatever we asked for, like a blank cheque He's leaving on our door. Let's fill it together with the words 'Your pleasure'. :)
