16th April ‘13
People all around are in a rush. I paused for half an
hour and just sat to watch. That guy in blue checked shirt is enjoing his own sweet
time with his date. Even though these two sisters are immersed in their smart
phones, they manage to finish their food and look at each other and make a supplication
together. There is a grey haired Chinese man who just smiled at his wife and
gave her a piece of cake. I caught their son watching me, perhaps he is wondering how I'd eat with my face covered. :D
A really pretty girl in her golden hijab just smiled with so
much shyness at someone I can’t see. The couple next to me seem so sweet. He
bought her a slice of cake and is just smilingly watch her eat. Two girls sit
far in the opposite end, laughing at each other’s entertainment. Both lost in
their little world.
If only I had a bit more money, I would have definitely paid
a treat for this Chinese family sitting by my side. I respect that they value
family time. I respect that none of them are busy in their own conversations. I
took a few minutes to write to myself and then I cried. Coz I just saw that
love still exists in this world that I hate. I guess coz I just saw it in them.
So beautiful how the father just finished his food, and his wife just passed
her plate to him for him to help her finish. There wasn’t any conversation. Not
any word. Just one look. Of love. :)
She then just smiled and said something in Chinese to her
son and they all smiled. Ah How I miss my mother’s smile! So much warmth! :(
How strange can it be, to be in a world that is beautiful,
and yet so painful?
I stood up to pay a treat for them and leave anonymously…but
I won’t tell you if I did it ;)
You know why?
I found out, they were celebrating their son’s birthday.. :’)
How I wish I had taken a picture of them!!
My journal where I originally wrote the above account... |