I will look back to this day.
To that feeling when I stood in front of a pile of books
stacked in that Ustadh's shelf. And felt blank. How I know nothing , not even to
understand what I read in front of me and yet how I wish to learn so much!
Really… I see an ocean in front of me, and I feel like a thirsty empty vessel
desperately desiring to grasp it all…
This is really a long journey to embark on. But this is not impossible.
This is the beginning and one day I will look back to this day, when I’m
drowned deep in that ocean, far far away… I know I’ll get there one day. inshaAllah.
And when I do look back, and then look ahead, I’ll still feel
the same, and be the same thirsty empty vessel.
Why do I want this?
I want this so bad. Because I feel like I've become
stagnant. In my eman.
I want my eman to rise with the light of His knowledge.
And everytime I Err, or sin or think of sinning, I want
knowledge to remind me of Him.
I want to KNOW what I do, why I’m doing it, and how to do it
in the way that pleases Allah swt. In whatever I do.
I want to have answers when my children ask me.
I want to know.
I want to learn more n more of Him, to increase in my love
and fear of Him.
I want my heart to feel alive. Its dead. I want to know how
to live.
And if possible, I want to connect people around me to the Most Beaaaaaaaaaaaaaautiful connection of all. In whichever way I can. I want this so much.
I want to tread the path of knowledge, for it’s the path to
Jannah and I want Jannah real bad.
I HAVE to look back to this day. To remind myself WHY I ever
tread on this path. No matter how difficult it gets. I shouldn't give up. And no
matter how easy it gets, I shouldn't become arrogant.
The funny thing is, what I felt today is what I felt 8 years
ago, back in my home, when I stood there, staring at my shelf of books that I
had wanted to learn. I look back to that day now, and I realize I’ve read them all. Yet
I think this feeling will never change. And it shouldn't. inshaAllah....
O Allah! Make me eligible to receive the light of your knowledge and utilize it to Your pleasure. Ameen....
O Allah! Make me eligible to receive the light of your knowledge and utilize it to Your pleasure. Ameen....
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