Sunday, June 23, 2013

The little things that make the big things, bigger..:)

I learnt a lot of new different things in this trip to India...

I learnt patience from khala and didi watching them handle their impossibly pesty little kids...

I saw respect when my jeeju sat for two hours straight just listening to his really old aged mother speak and speak without a pause in their first re-union after five years...

I recognized the blessing of youth and being fully alive by looking at grandma and the age on her face and walk...

I learnt that any place is a place to play and be happy as long as its in my mind, from my nieces who would make anything an item of play and any place a playground...

I learnt that the moon will always be visible under the palm tree in my balcony if I keep watching it from the same spot. The view changes only if I change my perspective of looking at things...

I learnt to slow down..and take life as it comes...and be calm with everything from all the elderly people there :)

Mom and dad will never ask for help but will be delighted if I am at service to them...and a warm smile and some massage for their feet goes a long way into their hearts..

I learnt that calling my five year old niece a princess, makes her day! :)

I learnt that building sand castles with the kids are the most beautiful memories I can make out of sand in my backyard...

I learnt that because I will never know who reads and who will read my posts, I will keep writing..

I learnt that every day i thought of my parents...but whenever i went back home,they looked much different than the last time i saw them when I left them- more lines on their face, their limbs getting weaker, their memory not so sharp..n they talk much less n listen even less... On the same note, they seem much more content..n a bit more happy for the little things in life hamdulillah..

I cherished my dads smile. He has the best smile in the whole world!

I loved having three brothers(in-laws) and all my sisters and my parents at home. I learnt that family time is the BEST of blessings one can have.

I learnt that kids will love me if I pay attention to them and play and giggle with them...

I learnt that happiness multiplies...when I share love.

I learnt a lot more that's in my heart and I learnt that I still want to learn more... ;)

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